Building Positive Team Culture as a Foreman


TradeManagement_AugustYour role as a foreman includes setting the tone for your crew’s interactions. Because you need everyone to work together to stay on target, collaboration is necessary. One of the best ways to encourage teamwork is by creating a positive team culture. Your crew is more likely to perform their best when they feel like part of a united team.

Follow these guidelines to promote a positive team culture as a foreman.

1. Lead by Example

Demonstrate the attitudes and behaviors you would like to see from your crew. Your workers are likely to behave according to what they see you do. This is why you should openly commend your team members for their hard work, kind actions, and meeting or exceeding expectations.

2. Huddle Your Crew

Gather your workers at the start and end of each day. Talk about the day’s work efforts, safety reminders, and other work-related topics. Ask your crew to provide their ideas for completing the day’s tasks. Encourage them to talk about the challenges and shortcomings before they leave for the day. This shows your workers’ contributions are valued and respected.

3. Get To Know Your Team

Find out which work tasks each of your crew members likes and dislikes, how your workers adjust to others, which forms of learning are their favorites, and how they prefer to receive feedback. Use this information to personalize your requests and expectations for each crew member. You should benefit from enhanced relationships, increased motivation among your team, and greater performance.

4. Change up Partnerships

Regularly assigning different crew members to work together enhances teamwork and learning. Your workers get to know each other better and gain new perspectives on how to complete tasks. This encourages everyone to continuously improve their performance.

5. Provide Proper Tools and Equipment

Your crew needs tools and equipment to be in the best working condition to produce the desired results. Purchasing the necessary items and ensuring they are correctly handled and regularly inspected shows you want your workers to succeed and encourages them to respect the tools and equipment.

6. Express Appreciation

Regularly thank your crew members for their hard work. Show how their dedication added to the progress made each week. When a job is completed, point out specific ways each of your workers contributed to the finished product. Reward them with lunch, bonuses, raises, or promotions when appropriate.

Hire Skilled Workers

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How Can Trade Management Help You Find the Right Skilled Trades Job – Faster?

Trade Management_Finding the Right Job Doesn't Have to Take Forever

Trade Management_Finding the Right Job Doesn't Have to Take Forever

Job search times today are the longest they have been since 2016. This is especially true for the skilled trade industry. If you are having trouble finding a role, reach out to us. We can help!

Discover some reasons why skilled trade jobs are hard to find and how Trade Management can help.

Increasing Job Search Length

The economic instability due to the pandemic caused companies in construction, manufacturing, and other skilled trades to close down. According to a survey conducted by global outplacement and business and executive coaching firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc., the workers laid off in 2020 were among the job seekers who averaged 3.05 months to find a new role. This was up from 2.7 months in 2019 and 2.9 months in 2018. The average time it took to find a job last year was the highest since 2016 when job seekers took an average of 3.13 months to find a position.

Job Losses in Construction

According to material handling solutions company Conger Industries Inc., the construction industry lost $60.9 billion in gross domestic product (GDP) and 6.5 million jobs due to the pandemic. Industry revenue was expected to decline by 6.3% in 2020. Approximately one-third of construction companies furloughed or terminated employees because of the pandemic-related shutdowns. In 2021, 28% of construction firms are having trouble hiring project managers and supervisors. Fifty-two percent of companies cannot fill openings for laborers, carpenters, or equipment operators. Fifty-eight percent of building construction firms have unfilled craft positions.

Advantages of Skilled Labor Roles

Skilled labor positions offer excellent pay, benefits, and career paths. You may work on unique projects with innovative equipment and technology such as virtual reality (VR). The satisfaction you gain from completing a project can last a long time. Ongoing training lets you add to your skillset and contributions. If you can cross-train, you help improve your team’s efficiency and productivity. This may provide you with access to even more opportunities for growth and promotion.

Find a Skilled Trade Job

Partner with Trade Management to find your next skilled trade role. Register with us today!

How Can a Resume Cover Letter Help Me Land a Job?

Trade Management_How Can a Cover Letter Help Land A Job

Trade Management_How Can a Cover Letter Help Land A Job

Submitting a cover letter with your resume increases the odds of being contacted for an interview. Your cover is an introduction to the hiring manager and helps you to begin building a relationship. A good cover letter also clarifies how you are a fit for the position based on skills, experience, and personality. This makes you an attractive candidate who stands out from the competition.

Here are six ways including a cover letter with your resume can lead to an interview.

1. Make a Positive Impression

Because your cover letter serves as an introduction to a hiring manager, you want to make a solid first impression. Stand out from the crowd by grabbing the reader’s attention and keeping your words concise and compelling. Emphasize your most relevant skills and experience to sell your qualifications for the role.

2. Build a Relationship

Use your cover letter to establish a relationship with a hiring manager who can help you achieve your career goals. You can share facts about what you have accomplished and how you would do the same for them. Highlight your greatest achievements in line with the job description to show specific ways you can deliver results.

3. Clarify Your Fit

Your cover letter showcases how your background equips you for the position. Demonstrate specific ways your knowledge and abilities prepare you to carry out the key requirements in the job description, showing why you should be contacted for an interview.

4. Show Your Personality

Use the wording in your cover to express your personality. Ensure your tone blends with company culture, proving you would succeed within the organization. Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position and the value you would provide in it.

5. Explain Employment Gaps

If you spent a significant amount of time away from the workforce, use your cover letter to clarify why. You may have raised a family, been downsized, or let go because of differences with a manager. Share your reasons for returning to the workforce now. Detail the skills and experience you gained from time away that will benefit you in the new role.

6. Mention an Employee Referral

If an employee referred you, be sure to confirm the referral with the hiring manager. Because people typically spend time with others with similar personalities, you are likely to be a good fit with company culture. You may also have an understanding of the company and position because of your conversations with an employee. Plus, referrals tend to remain with the organization long-term because they know a co-worker from the start. This positions you as a strong candidate who should be contacted for an interview.

Talk With a Recruiter 

Land your next role with help from a recruiter at Trade ManagementSubmit your cover letter and resume today.