Important Update From Our Leadership Regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic

As the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to affect people and businesses around the globe, we feel it is important to update our social media community on our action plan to assist in the recovery process currently underway. While many questions remain unanswered, we want you to know that we are attentive to current information from the government and medical communities. The health and safety of our workers, our employees, and our communities remain our top priority.

We play a critical role in helping our clients remain in operation. Without our contingent workers, our clients companies’ productivity slows down and can lead to long term decreased workforces. We are working diligently to ensure that individuals can continue to work and provide for their families and that our customers can keep their doors open and businesses running. We are also diligently monitoring this from beyond just our own offices and are highly engaged with all of our workers out on assignment, taking extra precautions to keep them safe and healthy.

We are following the steps released by the CDC and WHO to provide optimal cleanliness in our branches including consistent disinfecting of surfaces, door handles, office supplies and anything frequently used by office staff and guests. We are following the social distancing guidelines by operating by appointment only and limiting our staff to only those essential for branch operation and requiring anyone that is sick to stay home. We have also posted steps for proper self-assessment at the entrance to every branch to minimize the risk of spreading the virus.

If you are interested in coming in for an interview to be placed with one of our clients, please contact the office and schedule a time to talk with one of our recruiters. We appreciate your understanding during these difficult times and hope that everyone stays safe and healthy.

Thank you,
Jay Reid, CEO
Tara Burns, COO

A medida que la propagación del nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19) continúa afectando a personas y empresas en todo el mundo, creemos que es importante actualizar nuestra comunidad de redes sociales en nuestro plan de acción para ayudar en el proceso de recuperación actualmente en curso. Si hay muchas preguntas que permanecen sin respuesta, queremos que sepan que estamos atentos a la información actual del gobierno y las comunidades médicas. La salud y la seguridad de nuestros trabajadores, nuestros empleados y nuestras comunidades siguen siendo nuestra principal prioridad.

Desempeñamos un papel fundamental para ayudar a nuestros clientes a permanecer en funcionamiento. Sin nuestros trabajadores contingentes\temporarios, la productividad de las empresas de nuestros clientes se ralentiza y puede conducir a una disminución de la fuerza laboral a largo plazo. Estamos trabajando diligentemente para garantizar que las personas puedan seguir trabajando y mantener a sus familias y que nuestros clientes puedan mantener sus puertas abiertas y las empresas en funcionamiento. También estamos monitoreando esto diligentemente desde más allá de nuestras propias oficinas y estamos muy comprometidos con todos nuestros trabajadores asignados, tomando precauciones adicionales para mantenerlos seguros y saludables.

Estamos siguiendo los pasos publicados por los CDC y la OMS para proporcionar una limpieza óptima en nuestras sucursales, incluida la desinfección constante de superficies, manijas de puertas, suministros de oficina y todo lo que el personal de la oficina y los invitados usan con frecuencia. Estamos siguiendo las pautas de distanciamiento social operando solo con cita previa y limitando a nuestro personal solo a aquellos esenciales para la operación de la sucursal y requiriendo que cualquier persona enferma se quede en casa. También hemos publicado pasos para una autoevaluación adecuada en la entrada de cada sucursal para minimizar el riesgo de propagación del virus.

Si está interesado en venir para una entrevista con uno de nuestros clientes, comuníquese con la oficina y programe un horario para hablar con uno de nuestros reclutadores. Apreciamos su comprensión durante estos tiempos difíciles y esperamos que todos se mantengan seguros y saludables.

Jay Reid, CEO
Tara Burns, COO


Earned by less than two percent of all staffing agencies in the U.S. and Canada.

SOUTH BEND, IN – FEBRUARY, 2020Trade Management, a leading staffing agency announced today that they have won Best of Staffing Client and Talent Awards for providing superior service to their clients and candidates. Presented in partnership with presenting sponsor, CareerBuilder, and gold sponsors Indeed and Glassdoor, ClearlyRated’s Best of Staffing® Award winners have proven to be industry leaders in service quality based entirely on ratings provided by their clients and candidates. On average, clients of winning agencies are 3.3 times more likely to be completely satisfied and candidates who have been placed by winning agencies are 1.7 times more likely to be completely satisfied with the services provided compared to those working with non-winning agencies. Trade Management received satisfaction scores of 9 or 10 out of 10 from 82.5% of their clients, significantly higher than the industry’s average of 24%. Additionally, Trade Management received the same high scores from 77.1% of their placed job candidates in comparison with the industry average of 45%.

“I am extremely excited to see that the high level of commitment to our clients and talent was reflected in our survey results. For the past 15 years, Trade Management has always strived to be a valued business partner to our clients and talent. This will allow us to continue to grow and strengthen our client and talent relationships going forward. We are truly grateful to receive Best of Staffing Recognition for 2020,” said David Meyer, Division Vice President of Trade Management.

About Trade Management

Trade Management opened in 2005 with a simple yet effective strategy: Focus on finding skilled and dependable employees, and the clients will come. Staying true to that simple philosophy has grown Trade Management from our small, one-man office to a growing business with 10 offices nationwide. We source quality electricians, carpenters, plumbers, millwrights, pipefitters, welders, painters, and a variety of other skilled labor professionals for small and large jobs alike. Trade Management operates as the skilled trades staffing division of the Peoplelink Group, America’s 45th-largest staffing firm and the 20th-largest provider of commercial staffing services in the nation.

About ClearlyRated

Rooted in satisfaction research for professional service firms, ClearlyRated utilizes a Net Promoter Score survey program to help professional service firms measure their service experience, build an online reputation, and differentiate on service quality. Learn more at

About Best of Staffing

ClearlyRated’s Best of Staffing® Award is the only award in the U.S. and Canada that recognizes staffing agencies that have proven superior service quality based entirely on ratings provided by their clients and job candidates. Award winners are showcased by city and area of expertise on – an online business directory that helps buyers of professional services find service leaders and vet prospective firms – based exclusively on validated client and talent ratings and testimonials.


Kyle Green, Director of Marketing

A printable verison of this press release can be found here.

Tech Talk: How Drones Are Changing Construction Sites Worldwide

Tech Talk: How Drones Are Changing Construction Sites Worldwide

The popularity of drones continues to rise with more people purchasing and operating them both for personal and professional reasons. One professional field to see the value of drones is the construction industry. Here are four ways drones are changing construction sites worldwide.

Improved efficiency and communication

Drones have the ability to easily access different areas of a worksite without needing a human to accompany them. This means you can navigate the equipment wherever your team is working. By mounting a camera to the drone, you can keep tabs on what’s happening. Because of this ability to collect data in the moment from the construction site, managers are noticing an increase in efficiency. Workflow can be monitored all day, every day. In addition to promoting increased efficiency, workflow monitoring captures accurate data for use in updating investors and evaluating progress against timelines.

Land surveys

Drones can survey potential sites more quickly and cost effectively than people. The resulting data is more abundant and less subject to error than land surveys conducted by humans.

Safer transportation

Drones can do more than just provide a view of the construction site; they can provide practical assistance by transporting materials around the worksite quickly and safely.

Faster inspections

When you need to investigate part of a project, a drone can get there faster and provide better, more accurate data. While they won’t necessarily replace the benefit of experts examining the issue, drones can provide a first look to start the troubleshooting process.

Find the construction talent you need

Trade Management consistently provides the top industrial talent for companies like yours. Our growth is evidence of our success, and we just keep advancing. Contact us today to begin a powerful partnership.

Sick of Minimum Wage? Explore Learning a Trade

Graduating high school leads you to a forked road with several options, including a traditional, four-year degree, learning a trade, or trying to find work based on your current level of education. You know college isn’t the right choice for you and you don’t know very much about the process of learning a trade, so you opt for work that meets you at your current skill or educational level.

If this is you and you’re dissatisfied with your minimum-wage-level position, we have information for you about the benefits of exploring a new trade.


Get an education in less time for less money

While a four-year college can cost you more than $100,000, learning a trade costs less than a third and in as little as half the time. You’ll develop new, valuable skills without spending more time and money. Graduate sooner with the hands-on experience necessary to succeed!


Work opportunities available

One of the biggest challenges facing traditional graduates is finding a job. With more people opting to attend college, tradespeople are in short supply. In fact, more are retiring from the workforce than joining, meaning there are many open positions.

With a trade degree, you can expect to find a position quickly. In fact, 40% of projected job growth in the United States will fall to middle-skill jobs, or tradespeople.


Be compensated well

One of the biggest arguments for college is that it guarantees your later success, meaning you can pay for the expense of attending. While it’s true that the pay ceiling is higher for those with four-year degrees, the average tradesperson makes more than the average college graduate.

When you enter a trade program, you’re advancing your education and helping to fill gaps in the workplace with your knowledge and expertise. Not only will you likely experience financial success, you’ll feel good about the work that you do.


Get placed today

If you’ve spent your career working a trade or are a recent graduate from a trade program, trust Trade Management to help you get placed today. We have offices around the DFW area to help match you with the right opportunity. Register today and begin your career!